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During this initial phase we are focused on Navier-Stokes partial differential equations in real time or better.

Kennedy-RiceWe have selected this subject not because it is easy but because it is hard. And because we think that it is feasible in ten years or less.

We will follow two parallel paths:
  • the optimization of available hardware and software platform. Harware: multi-cores and many-cores, GPU computing (using all the available platforms) and FPGA (in particular SOC components like Zync). Software: when possible, we consider Open Source and Free software like Linux, Open Foam, etc. Closed source, proprietary code will be used if required.
  • the development of quantum computers. We are working on three technologies capable to realize the components of a quantum computer: optical devices, microwaves devices and NMR devices. For the moment is still not clear what technology is the better. Similar effort is done on the side of software development.

FRINGE: an outer edge; margin; periphery; something regarded as peripheral, marginal, secondary, or extreme in relation to something else. In a world where uncertainty, doubt and indetermination are the dominant factors, unconventional solutions are the way: the unthinkable becomes possible, the unfair becomes standard and the impossible, inevitable.
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